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Find Abelssoft software downloads at CNET Download.com, the most comprehensive source for safe, trusted, and spyware-free downloads on the Web.

Abelssoft - Home Page

Abelssoft offers home users free & cheap tools, that can be controlled with a single click. ✓ Made in Germany ✓ Free trial ✓ 100% secure.

Abelssoft CryptBox 13.01

Abelssoft CryptBox by Abelssoft GmbH is a comprehensive encryption software designed to secure sensitive data, confidential files, and personal information ...

Abelssoft EverDoc

EverDoc handles all relevant file formats: PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, RTF, ODT, GIF, PNG, JPG, JPEG and BMP. The program utilizes Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) ...

Abelssoft Undeleter

Accidentally deleted some important files? Undeleter restores deleted files instantly. ✓Made in Germany ✓ Free ✓ 100% secure.

Abelssoft Update Agent 1.031

Abelssoft Update Agent is a software developed by Abelssoft that enables users to conveniently manage updates for their installed Abelssoft programs.


Abelssoft offers home users free & cheap tools, that can be controlled with a single click. ✓ Made in Germany ✓ Free trial ✓ 100% secure.

Android Apps by Abelssoft Ascora GmbH on ...

Abelssoft / Ascora GmbH. Abelssoft simplifies your life! No matter if you like cooking, are always on the go or like to live healthier – we have the proper app!


A paperless office isn't only a dream anymore. EverDoc is the document management of the future! ✓ Made in Germany ✓ Free trial ✓ 100% secure.


FileFusion duplicate file finder software helps identify and remove these duplicates, freeing up storage space for more important files. FileFusion is an ...